It’s been the best of times, it’s been the worst of times, and certainly a monumental struggle, but finally we have positive news to report on two new assets on site.
The Wee Shed Community Tool Store

The Wee Shed is the repurposed small toilet now sited next to the Micro Plots and the Bothy Noticeboard.
After being blown over in one of the Autumnal gales, the Wee Shed has needed quite a bit of TLC before being repurposed.
It has been kitted out with a set of tools for the use of any plotter, but especially new plotters who may not yet have their own tools. We will be adding to the tool set as we can over the weeks ahead.
Please clean and return tools immediately after use.
The Wee Shed is secured with a combination padlock which uses the usual GFAA code. If you are not sure what that is, please ask.
The Big Shed Storage Facility
The Big Shed was kindly donated to GFAA by Barry and Kay when they decided to relinquish their plot. It needed quite a bit of restoration to be wind and water proof again. Thanks to all plotters, volunteers and friends of GFAA who helped with this work and the rebuild.

It’s amazing what a bit of joinery and a coat or two of paint can do!

The shed now has a new floor, doors and a re-felted roof and is fit for many more years of useful life. It will serve as a much needed storage space for community equipment and materials and so take the pressure off the Bothy, Octagon and Cabin allowing them to better serve their intended purposes.
Getting these community assets in place has certainly been a stretch and a struggle, but huge thanks go to all who have helped out getting this final stage of the project completed.