Grow Greener with Garthdee Field Allotments Association

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GFAA were delighted to receive this email from Steven Shaw of Aberdeen City Council.

We had some great news yesterday from the Beautiful Scotland Awards. We’re winners!

I’m chuffed to bits for everyone involved in our campaign. Thank you for all your help and support. Your film showcasing your group worked a treat and our success is very much yours to enjoy too. You can be very proud of helping the city achieve these awards.

Gold Medal for the city but more significantly we also won the Wright Award for Sustainability. This is for our work on wetlands, woodlands and wildlife. This is great news and does show we are on the right track with our more natural approach to the management of some of our green spaces.

Thank you again for all the help you give to our campaign. It means so much to the team and I to have your continued support. We’ve obviously had s a demanding and challenging 18 months so this is lovely recognition for everyone’s hard work.

I’m looking forward to working with you further and enjoying more success in 2022.

Thank you


Aberdeen in Bloom

Pat has been in touch asking us to help the Council celebrate Aberdeen in Bloom.

Celebrate Aberdeen In Bloom 2020

We have had some fantastic and varied photo submissions to our Celebration so far. You can see a selection of these submission at the Celebrate Aberdeen in Bloom facebook page Celebrate-Aberdeen-in-Bloom

The submissions show the beauty, diversity and wildlife, and in some cases quirkiness, of Aberdeen’s gardens/allotments. There is indeed much to celebrate.

The celebration is currently ongoing so there is still an opportunity to submit your photos.

There are six themes for your photos – make or design a scarecrow, garden wildlife, favourite viewpoint, splash of colour, home-grown dish, and proud of my planting.

Any resident of Aberdeen can take part so encourage your friends and family to take part – there is no age restriction for submitting photographs.

The intent is that the photos would be used in an exhibition later in the year, when Government restrictions allow. However, in the meantime, you can see a selection at the Celebrate Aberdeen in Bloom facebook page Celebrate-Aberdeen-in-Bloom

The photographs should be sent to showing work in the following themes:

Make or Design a Scarecrow
Submit image of your own scarecrow, built from materials only limited by your imagination. Use recycled /upcycled materials and get creative. Alternatively submit an image of your design for one.

Garden Wildlife
Submit your favourite photograph of wildlife in your garden, nearby green space or allotment. Could be butterflies on a buddleia flower, birds feeding on nearby shrubs, or trees or insects foraging a compost pile.

Favourite Viewpoint
Choose your very favourite outdoor space in your garden, green space or allotment and tell us why in no more than 200 words? Accompany with a photograph.

Splash of Colour
Take a snapshot of your favourite flower, leaf or vegetable which injects colour into your life, the brighter the better.

Home Grown Dish
Send in a picture of your meal produced from your own grown vegetables. Meal ideas and broad outline recipes can be included, with a 200-word restriction.

Proud of my Planting
A category to represent anyone young or old to the pleasures of planting seeds or cuttings. A picture of your favourite and a description of 200 words maximum preferred but not essential.

Please remember to tell us which category best fits each photograph you are submitting.

This will be an ongoing celebration and a closing date will be determined at a later date, depending on coronavirus restriction.

We look forward to seeing what you have been up to, and what is important to you, in the garden/allotment and let’s all Celebrate Aberdeen in Bloom.

Kind regards


Rent Rises 2020

Pat from the Council has been in touch with this information.

Aberdeen in Bloom 2020

The City Council as announced that the Aberdeen in Bloom Annual Garden Competition cannot go ahead this year. A great pity, but no surprise.

Instead, the Council is holding a photo competition and exhibition to celebrate our gardens, green spaces and allotments. Lorna for the Council has been in touch with the details. Here they are.

Celebrate Aberdeen In Bloom 2020
It is time to Celebrate Aberdeen in Bloom and we are looking for photos from you to help show the beauty, diversity and wildlife in Aberdeen’s gardens.
Instead of the annual garden competition, which is cancelled due to coronavirus, we ask that you send in photographs showing your work in six themes – make or design a scarecrow, garden wildlife, favourite viewpoint, splash of colour, home-grown dish, and proud of my planting.
Any resident of Aberdeen can take part so encourage your friends and family to take part – there is no age restriction for submitting photographs.
The intent is that the photos would be used in an exhibition later in the year, when Government restrictions allow. In the meantime you will be able to see a selection of submissions at the Celebrate Aberdeen in Bloom facebook page Celebrate-Aberdeen-in-Bloom
The photographs should be sent to showing work in the following themes:

  • Make or Design a Scarecrow
    Submit image of your own scarecrow, built from materials only limited by your imagination. Use recycled /upcycled materials and get creative. Alternatively submit an image of your design for one.
  • Garden Wildlife
    Submit your favourite photograph of wildlife in your garden or nearby green space. Could be butterflies on a buddleia flower, birds feeding on nearby shrubs, or trees or insects foraging a compost pile.
  • Favourite Viewpoint
    Choose your very favourite outdoor space in your garden or green space and tell us why in no more than 200 words? Accompany with a photograph.
  • Splash of Colour
    Take a snapshot of your favourite flower, leaf or vegetable which injects colour into your life, the brighter the better.
  • Home Grown Dish
    Send in a picture of your meal produced from your own grown vegetables. Meal ideas and broad outline recipes can be included, with a 200-word restriction.
  • Proud of my Planting
    A category to represent anyone young or old to the pleasures of planting seeds or cuttings. A picture of your favourite and a description of 200 words maximum preferred but not essential.
    Please remember to tell us which category best fits each photograph you are submitting.
    This will be an ongoing celebration and a closing date will be determined at a later date, depending on coronavirus restriction.
    We look forward to seeing what you have been up to, and what is important to you, in the garden and let’s all Celebrate Aberdeen in Bloom.

So, over to you – let’s make sure Garthdee Field Allotments support the Council’s efforts and adds a proper splash of colour!

Experts at work

It is always a pleasure watching experts at work. They have all the right kit and every action is carefully planned and of course risk assessed. That is so important, especially when working at heights.

Safety first

So quite a crowd gathered to watch the Council Team fell the dead tree at the South-West corner of our site. With such experts at work we knew we were in safe hands

No granny knots here

Or well, maybe not quite!


But let’s look on the bright side. Perhaps they frightened off the deer!

Bonfire Guidelines

Plotters will be aware of the Council’s new advice on bonfires on allotments. They have a strict set of procedures which must be followed. These are set out as ACC Regulations accessible via the Advice Tab on this site. Please consult these and follow the rules carefully.

I heard today of another allotment site where a plotter had not followed the advice and as a result had caused considerable nuisance to local homeowners. This resulted in a number of complaints. As you know, the Council has issued a warning that if they start to receive complaints about bonfires they will issue a total ban on all fires on pl0ts and allotment sites.

We can’t say we have not been warned. Please pay due attention.

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