Pat Wilson has forwarded this advice from Police Scotland.
When looking at issues surrounding security always take into consideration the following three points:
APPROPRIATE – If the risk is small a simple solution will be appropriate, the higher the risk the more that will need to be implemented
REALISTIC – Make sure that whatever you suggest or implement tackles the problem or any foreseen problem
COST EFFECTIVE – The cost of whatever you suggest or implement should be in proportion to the risk and affordability
The fencing at the allotments is actually more of a physical deterrent rather than a definitive security barrier. In order to completely prevent anyone from climbing into each allotment, a great expense would have to be paid for substantial fencing. This is not realistic or cost effective. There are some measures that you can put in place to protect your fence.
A close wire mesh fence can be difficult to climb and offers good protection. Wooden panel fencing is generally a good barrier. If putting up a wooden panel fencing nail a strip of galvanised wire along the panels at a height of a third and two thirds up the fence. On top of that attached some mesh or heavy netting to further protect the fence. A further, more extreme, measure may be to connect every panel to the posts with coach bolts to make removal more difficult.
Barb wire* (or similar) along the top of fencing. The police advise against the use of such methods of intruder prevention due to the risk of legal action if someone is injured. Of course, it is not only intruders and trespassers who risk being injured by barbed wire or broken glass. Householders owe a much greater duty of care to anyone on the property with permission.
Anti-climb paint can be painted along the top of the fence. Anti-climb paint is also known as anti-vandal, anti-burglar, anti-intruder or anti scale paint. It is basically a thick glutinous paint with a similar appearance to smooth gloss paint however when applied it does not dry and remains slippery indefinitely so preventing an intruder from gaining a foothold. However not only does it not dry it is also extremely difficult to remove from clothing so acting as an excellent deterrent to possible intruders. This makes anti climb paint a very simple, economic and effective way of protecting your property from intruders. Please note that anti-climb paint should always be applied at least 2 metres above normal access height and its presence should be clearly indicated with warning signs, it is generally accepted that warning signs should be displayed at no more than 3-4 metre intervals and in a position where they are easy to read
Prikka Strip* – is a plastic strip of spiky platy spikes Property owners must satisfy themselves that no harm will be caused by these products and should display a warning notice advertising that an anti-intruder device has been fitted. http://
Shed – For information on shed and outbuildings security then please go tohttp:// garden-and-outbuildings. Always carefully consider what you keep in your shed? How valuable is it? How would I cope, how would I feel if it was stolen?
For further advice on home and personal security then visit http://
*Plotters are reminded that the Council prohibits the use barbed wire and similar devices on our site.