Burning waste is allowed on your plot, but only under strictly controlled conditions and special circumstances as set out in this letter from Aberdeen City Council in May 2018. Plotters should also consult the Council’s 2020 Regulations (Para 14.1.2 for further advice on burning waste and bonfires.
Burning of Waste at Allotment Sites
Following a complaint received regarding the burning of waste at an allotment site to both our Service and the Environmental Service, we are in the process of reviewing our Policy.
Regarding this more recent complaint, the Environmental Service has advised that they will attend any further incident of fires if the complainant has a valid reason e.g. (it has a direct impact on their property or well-being), to ensure that materials being burned are in accordance with our Policy.
There are a number of Local Authorities who do not allow the burning of waste on allotment sites and our Service recognises that any smoke from fires impacting on any third parties is anti-social and should be avoided.
As we continue to review our Policy, it is essential that we follow the guidelines for burning waste as detailed in our “Managing Your Allotment” guidelines and limit waste burned to that generated on site as detailed below:
Some material is difficult to compost such as Brussel Sprouts and Sweetcorn stems which are a bit woody. The Brussel Sprout stems can be bashed with a hammer to break them down prior to composting and the Sweetcorn stalks can be dried and burnt. Some material such as hard wood prunings and soft fruit canes (e.g. Raspberries) can also be burnt.
If there is anything which shouldn’t be composted such as, old potatoes, brassica with clubroot, onion with allium rot, couch grass and pernicious weeds like ground elder, you should dispose of them at home in the appropriate domestic wheelie bin or at a Council recycling facility.
Wood, corrugated iron, stones, glass and plastic in all forms, should be removed from your allotment and disposed of at a Council Recycling Facility.
It is also essential and a requirement of the Fire Service that they are notified of any intended burning of waste. (Please Note: this includes burning in Any Incinerator Bins etc). The contact number for the Fire Service is: 01382 835804 (Dundee Control Room) who will log details of: address of allotment, allotment holder’s details, materials to be burned and they will also require a further call to confirm when the fire has been extinguished.
Additionally, our Service also requires to be notified of any burning of waste and allotment holders should either Email: pwilson@aberdeencity.gov.uk or Tel No: 01224 387640 and if necessary leave a voice message, to advise that you have carried out burning of waste at your allotment site.
Our Service has a duty to investigate all complaints and must ensure that our guidelines are followed and our Service have the information regarding any future fires to respond to any potential complaints from members of the public.
In the meantime, our Service will continue to review our Policy regarding burning waste and will advise Allotment Holders when review is concluded.