We are in our ninth year (2023) of the, It’s Your Neighbourhood programme. IYN has proved to be one of our most successful activities. We are delighted to have maintained our Outstanding ranking for another year in 2023.
Phil accepts our 2022 Outstanding with Distinction Certificate from the Lord Provost.
IYN teams up groups like us with assessors who visit to offer advice on how to do things, examples of good practice they have seen elsewhere and then complete an assessment of how we are doing set against national criteria.
Our involvement in IYN has helped us focus our activities on the three areas picked out for attention and assessment – green practice and sustainability, good gardening and wider community activities.
The scheme gives us the chance to network with like-minded groups locally and nationally to share ideas and enthusiasms. We have learned a lot from our involvement over the years.
In our first assessment, we achieved a very creditable “Thriving” grade. Better still, over recent years, we have been assessed as being “Outstanding” – the highest of the grades possible.
Thanks are due to our assessors, our partners and collaborators and, most of all of course, to our plotters and volunteers who have found the time to put their shoulders to the wheel and helped get their own plots and our site into shape for the assessments.
We look forward to further successes in the years ahead.