Grow Greener with Garthdee Field Allotments Association

Category: Events Page 1 of 33

Seed Sale Event

GFAA are running our first Seed Sale this May. We hope this will become an annual event from now on, run for the benefit of our plotters, volunteers, friends and indeed the wider gardening community in Aberdeen.

Raymond (Plot 83) has kindly agreed to manage and run this event. Raymond has been sowing and pricking out a wide variety of seeds and plants for many weeks now.

If you can offer your time to help with event preparation – sowing, pricking out, potting on, or have plants you can donate to the sale, Raymond would love to hear from you. Please do get in touch.

The event is planned for the third Sunday in May. Please spread the word to all who might be interested.

Bonfire 2024

Thanks go to all the plotters, volunteers and GF friends who made it along to help feed the flames this Sunday passed.

Shed Shifters Supreme

Our recent Community Sunday activities included moving a very heavy shed base. It took some effort, but we got it done and the team were quick to celebrate their triumph.

Photo Credit: Anna Fulop

Thanks go to all of the committee, plotters and volunteers who came along and apologies to those who missed out on the photo opps.

Photo Credit: Anna Fulop

Community Sunday Call

Our first Community Sunday of the year is scheduled for this coming Sunday, February 18 2024.

Community Sundays are a great way to get to know our fellow plotters and volunteers while getting some much needed repairs, maintenance and improvements done in good company around our site.

If you can spare an hour or so on Sunday 18 February at 11.00am it would be great to have your help. We end with a coffee and cake session at 12.30.

Storm Gerrit Damage

I am sorry to report that our most recent storm has caused a good deal of damage on site. Plotters might want to visit ASAP to secure items and structures before the return of stormy weather forecast for this weekend.

These photos show only some of the damage done. Thanks go to Anna and Steve for passing on these photos. Sympathies go to all those who have suffered loss or damage.

Season’s end 2023

Well, let’s be honest, 2023 has been a trying year as the weather this last few months has proved. Windy, wild and wet rather sums it up.

We think this was the worst flooding we had ever seen on site, but at least it was relatively short lived.

However, we have ended on a high note. Firstly, the volunteers enjoyed a good end of term bash. They have all put in a fantastic shift this year and our celebration was just a wee thank you for the 22 who have done us proud all season long. Sorry goes to those who missed out on the photo opportunity.

Special thanks go to Irene for overseeing a fantastic spread of party food and to Jordi for his Captain Morgan Mocktails. Very special!

It was a great pleasure to be invited to Aberdeen Council’s Celebration of It’s Your Neighbourhood successes. Phil 57, our Association Secretary, attended and accepted our Outstanding rating with a Certificate of Distinction award.

Our season has ended with success therefore, but the work goes on around the site. Thank go to Jordi and Danny, our most recent recruit to the volunteers, who have come in specially this week to help finish off an overdue planter build for a lone suffering and very patient plotter who placed an order some little time ago. (No name, no pack drill, but you know who you are!)

As Jordi often proves, working hard does not mean you can’t have a good laugh. Here we see him showing off his new skills with the Block Plane.

As the Season ends, we wish every plotter, volunteer and friend of Garthdee Allotments a Merry Christmas, a Happy Holiday and successful growing in 2024. Cheers!

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