New and existing GFAA Members please note that our Discount Scheme membership of the Dobies Group Scheme has a new discount code in place for 2024.
Well, it may seem that the wet and cold weather with endless named storms will never end, but in truth, Spring will come and the soil will warm up enough for seed sowing. In the meantime, it is almost time for windowsill sowings to get ahead as we wait.
Remember, if you are about to buy seeds, plants or gardening supplies, as a GFAA member or volunteer you will get a 40% discount on all seed purchases and 10% off other items – but you must use our unique discount code at the time of purchase. If you need the code, there are copies of the Dobies Catalogue with the code included in the Octagon, or just get in touch and I will be pleased to let you have it ( Once you have the code, this link will take you directly to the Dobies Website Store and Catalogue.
Note this is Dobies with one b and not the DOBBIES garden superstore here in the city.