Grow Greener with Garthdee Field Allotments Association

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Discount Seed Purchase in 2024

New and existing GFAA Members please note that our Discount Scheme membership of the Dobies Group Scheme has a new discount code in place for 2024.

Well, it may seem that the wet and cold weather with endless named storms will never end, but in truth, Spring will come and the soil will warm up enough for seed sowing. In the meantime, it is almost time for windowsill sowings to get ahead as we wait.

Remember, if you are about to buy seeds, plants or gardening supplies, as a GFAA member or volunteer you will get a 40% discount on all seed purchases and 10% off other items – but you must use our unique discount code at the time of purchase. If you need the code, there are copies of the Dobies Catalogue with the code included in the Octagon, or just get in touch and I will be pleased to let you have it ( Once you have the code, this link will take you directly to the Dobies Website Store and Catalogue.

Note this is Dobies with one b and not the DOBBIES garden superstore here in the city.

New Dobies (2023) Code and Update

GFAA continues to be affiliated to The Dobies Gardening Group Scheme. This means our plotters and volunteers receive discounts of 40% on seed orders and 10% on onions sets, potatoes, fruit bushes etc, when ordering with our unique code.

Additionally, GFAA receives a 10% ‘reward’ on seed orders and 5% on other qualifying purchases. We have just received our 2022 Dobies Refund payment into GFAA funds – amounting to £47.86 this year. We have been part of the scheme since November 2017. Typically we receive around £50 per year, meaning that GFAA funds have benefitted to the tune of about £250 over the years. Obviously the benefit to plotters is much more.

Copies of the new Dobies catalogue with a letter explaining the scheme and providing the new discount code will be in the Octagon by close of play today. Orders placed without the code CANNOT benefit from the scheme discounts.

Copies available in the Octagon

Thanks go to all plotters and volunteers who continue to support the scheme.

Best Ever Dobies Scheme Discount

A cheque arrived with us today.

A cheque for £112.23. This marks the best ever annual bonus from the Dobies Group Scheme for our GFAA Funds. It means that our plotters and volunteers together spent over £1000 this year on seeds and sundries from the Dobies Catalogue – while saving themselves around 40% on each order at the same time. A win-win-win I think you will agree.

Thanks go to everyone who bought from Dobies by catalogue, post or online using our code and so contributed to this very welcome addition to our annual income. The £112.23 has now been deposited in our GFAA Account.

Copies of the New Season Dobies Catalogue and necessary Discount Code are available NOW in the Octagon.

Dobies new 2022 Catalogue

Plotters, volunteers and friends can find copies of the new Dobies Catalogue along with an introductory letter and our special GFAA discount code in the Octagon.

The rules are still the same – use the discount code when you order by phone, post or online and you will get a 40% discount on seeds and 10% on everything else. In addition, GFAA receive a 10% bonus for our funds on all orders placed with our code. A Win-Win for sure!

Dobies Wet Weather Reading

Well, we finally get a day when we don’t open the curtains to find a frosted wonderland – and instead we have a day of solid rain! So, no plot visit for me today, regardless of how much needs doing. Ah well, this too will pass.

If you are at a loose end or doing some thinking about trying out some new things in the year ahead you might find the Dobies Seed site’s advice pages of interest, as well as their new for this season seed varieties.

Remember, if you are tempted to buy seeds as a GFAA member or volunteers you will get a 40% discount on all seed purchases and 10% off other items – but you must use our unique discount code at the time of purchase. If you need the code, there are copies of the Dobies Catalogue with the code included in the Octagon, or just get in touch and I will be pleased to let you have it.

New Dobies Catalogue

Dobies have sent out their new Group Scheme Catalogues and issued our new Discount Code (all our plotters and volunteers can get 40% off seeds and 10% off everything else).

I will pop the new catalogues and code details into the Octagon by the weekend. Be warned – lots of tempting new offerings!

Note: The old code will not now work.

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