A big thank you goes to all of our plotters who found the time to turn out for our last Community Sunday of 2018. It was super to see 24 on site with a combination of new faces and old lags.
With so many willing hands we got through a mountain of seasonal tasks, including a wonderful tidy up of the Primary Plot and raised beds, South Bank planting, lots of leaf gathering and pothole filling.
Of course, you can’t have a Community Sunday without a resident comedian: this time thanks go to Ron (Plot 65A).
I think we can say, a good time was had by all. Thanks again, everyone. (With apologies to Peter, Jacqui, Helen, Stan, Angela, Gavin, Trish, Norman and Mary who somehow missed out on getting their photos taken. Thanks too, to all of the magnificent bakers for a brilliant spread at Coffee and Cake time.