Grow Greener with Garthdee Field Allotments Association

Tag: publicity

Community Climate Asset Fund Award for GFAA

The Community Climate Asset Fund (CCAF) is a funded programme from Scottish Government run by Keep Scotland Beautiful. CCAF aims to:

  • Build on the invaluable role that community based organisations are playing in Scotland’s response to COVID-19
  • Support community groups to play a prominent role in the Green Recovery
  • Provide capital funding to community based organisations to help them tackle climate change as we accelerate our just transition to a net zero society
  • Complement funding provided through the Climate Challenge Fund and other community and place based initiatives
  • Help communities to reduce usage of petrol and diesel cars, cut waste, grow local food and reduce emissions from community buildings.

Following an application made in November, GFAA is pleased to announce the award of just over £3000 for the purchase of capital assets for our allotment. Our bid centred on making our operations greener by:

  • the retention of rainwater to reduce the amount of tap water used
  • increased use of a wider range of compostable materials produced on plots
  • reducing the amount of plot waste burned on site
  • increasing the contribution our community makes to producing more locally grown food.

The award has enabled us to purchase a small wood chipping machine which we will use to chip prunings from around the site and so reduce the amount of material being burnt and hence the amount of carbon produced.

We have also purchased 1000 litre rainwater storage tanks which we will use to reduce the consumption on site of town water supplies.

If you are interested in getting involved with any of these activities please get in touch with myself or any member of the Committee.

Increasing composting and reducing the amount of green materials burned were recommendations made in our recent Green Flag Award evaluation, and it is very pleasing to be able to make a start on this agenda thanks to the CCAF funding.

Sophie on Beechgrove

Plotters can catch the most recent filming from Sophie’s Plot 25 here at Garthdee Field on tonight’s edition of the Beechgrove Garden on BBC Scotland at eight in the evening. Bound to be a good watch!

Making the News

Garthdee Field is featured in the Press and Journal today in a feature written by Ellie House.

The feature is in the Your Life magazine included with the Saturday edition. If plotters have a copy they don’t want to keep, it would be great if spare copies could be dropped off at the Octagon so they can be passed on to our volunteers and other plotters.

Reporter on site

Ellie House, a reporter from the Press and Journal was on site today.

Ellie is researching a feature on Community Gardening and Growing which she is writing for the paper’s Saturday’s Magazine. She was especially interested in GFAA’s volunteers and how they help us maintain and develop our site.

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