Orchard Brae called this week wishing to visit our allotment site. They arrived just after 1 pm yesterday – one minibus load driven by Roddy. They stayed for an hour having a walk round admiring the many varieties of vegetables and flowers on display particularly Steve’s sunflowers – plot 37. We bumped into Gill at plot 29 who gave them some plums and rasps to their great delight. We stopped off briefly in the Octagon for some plums to eat and apples to take away. A very pleasant interlude for all concerned on a lovely sunny day.
Tag: Orchard Brae

We could not have hoped for a better day to work on the new raised bed we have built for Orchard Brae School’s Nursery.
Don’t worry, we did finally sort out our alternating layers and corners and got them into the right order! The bed is three meters long by one meter wide and almost half a meter high and build with timbers kindly donated by Robertson Construction.
Our thanks go to Roddy Mckinnon for all his help and organisation on the day.

Orchard Brae is a new school and nursery in Aberdeen, designed especially for pupils with additional support needs.
A number of weeks ago we were approached, asking if we could perhaps help with the development of their Nursery School garden.
Today we got a squad in place to make a start. The re-seeding of the grassy areas in the playground was identified as a priority.
We had a good day, in great company, but in the heat, it was pretty hard going. We are going to have to make at least one return visit. If you could spare a couple of hours to help out over the next few weeks, please see Stuart or me.
Thanks to Mike and Gordon, and especially Ron, who came along at short notice to lend a hand.