Grow Greener with Garthdee Field Allotments Association

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Speedsters on Site

These three kids were seen this week racing around our site at ridiculous speeds approaching two miles an hour. The big kid, believed to be the ringleader, was spoken to and issued with 15 Penalty Points on his wheelbarrow licence and a verbal warning that such blatant fun-seeking will not be tolerated – unless we all get a shottie.

Graham, Kenny and Duncan

Remembering Sandy Inkster

Photo Credit: Phil Wilkie

As I’m sure everyone has now heard Sandy Inkster, plot 89, sadly passed away on 25th of June. Sandy was a great supporter of Garthdee Field Allotments Association and brought us national recognition with his appearances on The Beechgrove Garden when they visited his plot through the course of last season. He was always very generous with his advice, fantastic produce and his ongoing help to others in keeping their plots in tip top condition. He was a general fund of knowledge!!
Many people have suggested that we organise a collection so that we can buy a bench in Sandy’s memory. If you would like to donate to this fund, please pass on any monies or cheques (made out to G.F.A.A.) to a committee member, or you can make your donation by direct money transfer to GFAA’s bank account. (Please see Michael Hart’s recent email for our bank details, or contact any member of the committee.)

Thank you all for your support, and I’m sure we will all look forward to enjoying a seat on Sandy’s bench remembering a much-loved fellow plotter and friend. Phil and Susan, Plot 35.

Green-fingered Plotters

Lynn and Michael (Plot 60) with a very early harvest:

Sandy’s Birthday Day Two

It was a matter of have your cake and eat it over at Heather’s Plot today.

No sign of the champagne mind you! We are a very sober lot on Garthdee field apparently.  Mind, you listening to our singing maybe not.

Here’s to the Birthday Boy

Sandy is 90 today.  That would be 90 going on 19 I guess.  Around here he will always be Pick of the Crop and Best in Show.  Here’s wishing Sandy many, many happy returns.

Beechgrove – the Sandy Inkster Show

Did you know that after 40 years, the BBC is about to rename The Beechgrove Garden –   The Sandy Inkster Show.  Well maybe not quite, but after his recent appearance, they really ought to.  What a star!

Episode 2 of the new series brings together Sandy from Plot 89 (which just happens to be his current age, but a birthday ending with a nought is fast approaching) and Carol Baxter: two of our favourite gardeners in the one place – what’s not to like?

If you missed the screening it may still be available via this iPlayer link.  The section with Sandy starts 20 minutes in – clearly, they saved the best for last!

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