Grow Greener with Garthdee Field Allotments Association

Tag: Britain in Bloom

Its Your Neighbourhood Success

It is with great pleasure that I can tell all GFAA members, volunteers and friends that at the recent Britain in Bloom hosted, It’s Your Neighbourhood Awards Day, GFAA were awarded an Outstanding Level Award and, better still, our first Certificate of Distinction.  Gill and Phil attended the event on our behalf.

Our IYN Assessors, Ian and Sandra Maclennan, were full of praise and warm words for your efforts and achievements over the season.  A copy of their Garthdee Field Allotments Association 2017 report is attached.  The Evening Express Coverage was very positive about GFAA.

We are obviously delighted with this success and I want to thank all who contributed to the effort over the year. It’s been a super season on so many fronts, but nothing could be done without the continued support of plotters, volunteers and friends.

We are planning to share congratulations and celebrations at our up-coming AGM and General Meeting on Saturday 4 November at 11.00am at RGU Riverside East Building Room 346. I hope we will have a really big turnout.  Everyone is welcome.  We want your help to set directions and priorities for the coming year.

With best wishes,  Stuart.

Aberdeen in Bloom Competition


Application forms for the 2017 competition are now available and entries have to be returned got to be returned to Aberdeen City Council by 14 July.  We have always been big supporters of the City’s, Britain in Bloom efforts and I hope we will see the usual big entry from plotters this year.  A good level of entries helps show how keen we plotters are on our allotments and the Council’s work to support green spaces and gardening.

Plotters can pick up an entry from from the Bothy or from Council offices and libraries.  Alternatively, you can submit your entry online via the Aberdeen in Bloom Page.

I hope we will see a bumper crop of entries this year!

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