This week past, Phil (Plot 35) and Norman (Plot 81) had the pleasure of representing GFAA at a Reception in the Garden Room of The Scottish Parliament.
The event was hosted by Kenneth Gibson MSP to celebrate the success of the Tesco Bags of Help programme and the company’s long-standing commitment to community investment. Jane Lawrie (Group Communications Director at Tesco) and Julie Procter (Chief Executive at Greenspace Scotland) formed part of the welcome party.
After the welcoming speeches, there were many opportunities to mix with representatives from other community groups, charities and organisations from across Scotland that have benefited from Bags of Help. Ideas flowed thick and fast and the air was full of friendly, positive energy.
It was a particular pleasure to meet up again with Rita Callander, the Bags of Help Enabler for our winning Octagon Project.
The two youngsters you see in the picture are Joss and Kaylyn from Ullapool who were there representing their school’s anti-littering community project. They gave a brilliant account of themselves and the success of their initiative.
In many ways these two youngsters summed up the whole evening, helping as they did to fill the room with energy and enthusiasm and a very positive feeling of communities coming together to make their local areas just that little bit better. As someone says, Every Little Helps.