Michael Hart and Norman Coutts subbed for Stuart at this week’s It’s Your Neighbourhood event in Stirling. A full report of the event will follow, but we were surprised to find GFAA were to be presented with an award having achieved a thriving level assessment in our first year of participation in the scheme. Here’s what IYN had to say about our efforts:
“Working in partnership with Aberdeen City, Robert Gordon University and its Student Union, the group has established broader community involvement in the allotment. The group has established, and maintains, a community orchard and is developing a Community Garden for use by people with disabilities.”
As well as a series of very interesting presentations the event featured an exhibition area with stalls hosted by a range of commercial and charity organisations. A folder of their publicity materials has been placed in the bothy. Just the thing in case a rainy day or two interrupts your winter digging and you are looking for something to read!
Thanks go to Aberdeen City Council for laying on the mini-bus that took us to the event and Sandy Scott who did all the driving. As I say, the presentations were packed with good practical ideas for improving our plots and site and a full report will follow in a later post.