Minutes of the Garthdee Field Allotment Association meeting held at 7pm on Wednesday 23 April 2014, in room H407, at the Robert Gordon University, Faculty of Health and social Care, Garthdee Road, Aberdeen
Present: S. Wedderburn, plot 71b, K. Grabham, plot 85, G and P. Bell, plot 7a R. Matheson, plot 36, S. Oram, Chairman, R. Cameron, Treasurer, M. Fairhurst, plot 5, J and G Tulloch, plot 41, D. Cormack, plot 57, R. Hunt, plot 73, M. Hart, plot, 88 F. Yeats, plot 63a, C. Watt, plot 63b.
Welcome: The Chairman opened the meeting and welcomed everyone present and in vited every-one to take a full and active part in the discussions.
Apologies: N and J Coutts, plot 81, S. Archibald, plot 51a, M. Hart, plot 88, M, Mackintosh, plot 20, V. Goss, plot 1e, R. Mair, plot 76, B. Taylor, plot 79, M. Walsh, plot 94b.
Minutes of previous meeting: The minutes from the previous meeting on 13 November 2013 were approved.
Association Funds: The Treasurer reported that the fund currently sits at £1070. The Chairman then explained that while this may seem a substantial fund, if we had had to purchase the replacement sit-on mower, this would have used up all the funds.
Sub Committees for Fund Raising and Social Events: The Chairman opened this topic for discussion as to the best way forward regarding the formation of a fund raising and social event committee, He advised the group that the Slopefield Association held regular social events on their site. After discussion it was decided to try having a Community day on the 3rd Sunday of every month from 11am onwards.
Update on the Community Garden: The Chairman reported that he had been liaising with Sandy Scott, ACC and the RGU regarding the Community Garden and to date there has been a new car parking area created at a cost of £4000. The intent is to create the raised beds for a Community garden over 4 phases, at a cost of £10000 per phase.
Allotment Market Stall: The Chairman introduced Cath Pilley to the group and invited her to give a presentation about the Allotment Stall.
Cath gave an interesting and informative update about the Market Stall scheme whereby plot holders could sell their produce. This was followed by a question and answer session.
It’s Your Neighbourhood: The Chairman informed the group that this scheme is operated by the RHS and is linked to the Britain in Bloom competition. This is quite a prestigious event and it is important for the city”s participation in the competition. Last year the GFAA produced a board with a collage of photographs about the site.
ACC have suggested that the GFAA join the ‘It’s Your Neighbourhood Scheme’, which covers areas like:
Community Participation
Environmental Responsibility
Gardening Achievements
Awards are to be given for each of the categories.
The GFAA presentation for last year can still be seen on the noticeboard.
Everyone is invited to view the display and are invited to provide suggestions for this year to the Chairman.
Marking of Plots – This topic regularly crops up during the audits. It is a requirement to have the plots numbered.
Recent Communal Activities:
Wild Flower Planting – Dawn Cormack informed the group that 6 people turned up and assisted in preparing the area and planting the wild flower seeds.
Grass Sowing – The Chairman thanked everyone who assisted in the grass sowing.
Bonfire – The Chairman reported that the recent bonfire had been very successful
Community Activity Coordinator: The Chairman asked if the group if there were anyone interested in carrying out the duties of Community Activity Coordinator. Dawn Cormack volunteered to take on this role.
Bothy Steps: – It was reported that the Bothy steps have fallen into a state of disrepair and Frank Yeats has offered to assist in repairing/replacing where required.
Noticeboard – The Chairman reported hat the noticeboard is not waterproof and Frank Yeats volunteered his services to address this issue
Allotment Plot Reps: Mike Fairhurst updated the meeting regarding the decision to have nominated reps look after groups of plots to give encouragement and advice where required.
Website – A volunteer was requested to develop the website. Norman Coutts volunteered to develop and manage the site.
Management of GFAA Tools – The Chairman informed the meeting that one of the green containers is now being used to store some communal tools and machinery.
Audits – Mike Fairhurst gave an update regarding a recent audit and explained the system ACC has in place regarding the part and full letters sent to anyone not maintaining their plot. There is such a large waiting list for allotments within the city that the Council are now being more robust in their approach. Currently 10 part letters have been sent to plotters and 2 full letters have been sent and 1 telephone call.
Photographer – It was suggested that photographs could be taken of the site at various times throughout the year to update the website. Carrie Watt volunteered to take the photographs.
Closure: There being no other competent business, the Chairman thanked everyone for attending and the meeting was closed with the date of the next meeting to be arranged.
Stuart Oram & George Tulloch