I am delighted to say that The Market Stall Team (TAMS) have told us that GFAA has earned a dividend of £399.23 across the 2018 season. This will make a very welcome contribution to our Association’s funds over the coming year.
TAMS have ambitious plans for the season ahead. They want to continue the process of becoming more sustainable in the longer term and are looking into the possibility of setting up a community greengrocer shop, which they think in the long term might generate a small profit to pay for the stalls. They have also put in for funding to set up a new stall in Victoria and Westburn Parks to run along with the others in Duthie and Seaton in 2019.
We are very pleased to support TAMS’s efforts in their fight to reduce food waste. Working with TAMS is a win-win for us as they help us manage our surplus crops and help generate very valuable funds for projects and maintenance around our site. Thanks to everyone who contributed.