TAMS is now open for business for the new season!  In case you have forgotten, TAMS – The Allotment Market Stall – is a charity that collects surplus produce from allotment sites and sells them at stalls in and around the city, returning any profit to the providing allotment associations.  Last year we made well over £100 for our funds via TAMS.

TAMS collects from our site on Thursday of each week.  If you would like to donate please leave your contributions in the containers provided outside the Bothy by Thursday lunchtime.  If you can’t get down to your plot at that time, let Norman or me know and we will collect the materials for you and pass them on. Please be specific as to what we should take.

Tip!  Apparently rhubarb is a big seller.  Perhaps you have some going spare?  Let us know and we will collect and pass it on for you.