I am delighted to report that the Allotment Market Stall Project has had a very successful season. The project seeks to sell surplus allotment site produce to the public, so spreading the benefits of good, local food growing to the wider community. This year TAMS sold almost £1000 of veggies over the summer weeks – a magnificent effort.

Here is an extract from the thank you letter we received from the TAMS team:
Dear Garthdee Field Allotment Gardeners
Thank you for participating in the Allotment Market Stall in 2014. It has been an excellent season and the stall in Duthie Park was very successful. It would not have been possible without your input in preparing the produce for collection and in volunteering on the stall. We would very much appreciate feedback on how we can improve operations for next season.
Thanks to a small Lottery grant to cover running costs and the partnerships with ACC, the unpaid work scheme and CFINE we are able to redistribute all the proceeds from sales of produce.
In terms of total weights, over the 10 weeks we collected 1005kg of produce, sold 816kg, donated 146kg and composted 43kg. An excellent achievement for all those concerned as it represents an improvement in access to locally grown fruit and vegetables, a reduction in waste, a reduction in food miles and contributes to an improvement in healthy eating.
We are in the process of writing up a full report on the operations in 2014 in preparation for the 2015 season and will make it available as soon as we can.
The return from TAMS to GFAA this season has totalled to over £140. I want to offer my congratulations and thanks to all who contributed to this magnificent community effort and to the TAMS team for making this possible.
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