Garthdee Allotments

Grow Greener with Garthdee Field Allotments Association

Community Sunday Thank You

We had a good turnout for our August Community Sunday – despite competing with the Lionesses on the day. Thanks to all who managed along to help out – old hands and new. It’s amazing what can get done in an hour or so with many willing hands. Apologies to those who missed out in the photo sessions. Many thanks too, to our behind the scenes bakers and providers. We will meet again on the third Sunday of September.

August Community Sunday Invitation

With our annual, It’s Your Neighbourhood site assessment visit fast approaching, we would much appreciate your help this Sunday to get our site ready for inspection. If you are an old hand at Community Sundays, we would love to see you back: if you are new to plotting, there is no better way to meet your plotter neighbours or our volunteers than to come along this Sunday.

We meet at 11.00 and take on all sorts of site maintenance tasks. There is sure to be something for everybody to get stuck into until 12.30 when we stop for coffee and cake and a good natter.

We look forward to seeing you at 11.00 if you can spare a hour or so to help – or just pop along for the coffee and cake at 12.30. All welcome and the more the merrier.

Changing Seasons

The volunteer sessions of late have been very full on and busy, so it was a real treat today to have time to take a few photos during our work session.

We had time to note too, just how quickly Summer is slipping towards and into Autumn. There is still plenty of promise of cropping to come however.

Lots of tomatoes to harvest now and into the weeks ahead
The apple crop to come looks good for this year

However, there is no doubt that the summer is slipping by us and Autumn is just around the corner.

The rhubarb is flagging, but luckily Autumn’s abundance lies ahead

So it was good today to note good progress on the new Cabin – which looks quite the part overlooking the Community Orchard.

A Cabin for all Seasons

Great to0, having the help of Gordon, one of our longest-serving volunteers in getting the interior set up and ready to go.

Gordon showing off his carpentry skills

Thanks go to Gordon and Linzi, Veronica and Jordi for their help around the site today.

UPDATE – It seems that Gordon joined us in July 2016. See, Meet Gordon our Latest Volunteer

ASDA Thank You Hamper

We received a super surprise this week. Our efforts in the community have been recognised by our local ASDA and they have awarded GFAA a celebration hamper.

Margaux presents volunteer Jordi with our Thank You Certificate and Hamper from ASDA

This month marked the 3rd annual ASDA Thank You Day. Over the past 2 years the day has brought together over 15 million people. This is ASDA’s Opportunity to say a heartfelt thank you to colleagues and community groups. Celebrating the unsung heroes in our life and our communities. Big Thank You is a collaborative celebration working with a number of national charities and grass roots groups including groups such as Dementia Carers , Young Voices, Alzheimer’s UK & the Women’s Institute.

Our hamper contained a thoughtfully put together set of garden hand tools and, much to the approval of our volunteer squad, a super selection of cakes and biscuits. The tools will last a lifetime, but the cakes and biscuits – not so much!

Big thanks go to Margaux and to ASDA and to the volunteers and community groups who made it all possible.

News of a Welcome Visitor

Anna (Plot 93) sent these photos of recent sightings on her plot of this Elephant Hawk Moth and caterpillar.

Photo Credit: Anna Fulop
Photo Credit: Anna Fulop

I am aware of one other reported siting of an Elephant Hawk on site, but that goes back many years to 2017. I recall David (Plot 53) was the lucky host that time. (See the related post below.) If any plotter can provide info of other examples we’d love to hear from you.

It’s pleasing to think our efforts to green the site may be providing more habitats for unusual wildlife like the Elephant Hawk Moth.

Here’s what Chat GPT had to say about habitats attractive to them.

A Beginner’s Guide to the Lifecycle of the Elephant Hawk Moth and Its Preferred Habitat

The Elephant Hawk Moth (Deilephila elpenor) is a fascinating and visually striking insect found in various regions across Europe and parts of Asia. Its distinctive appearance, including its large size and vibrant colors, makes it a popular subject for nature enthusiasts and amateur entomologists. In this beginner’s guide, we will explore the lifecycle of the Elephant Hawk Moth and its preferred habitat.

1. Eggs:

The lifecycle of the Elephant Hawk Moth begins with the female laying her small, spherical eggs on the leaves of its host plants. These plants typically include willowherbs (Epilobium species) and bedstraws (Galium species). The eggs are pale green in color and are usually laid in clusters to increase the chances of survival.

2. Larvae (Caterpillars):

After about a week, the eggs hatch, giving rise to the larvae or caterpillar stage of the Elephant Hawk Moth’s lifecycle. The caterpillar is striking in appearance, sporting bright colors like lime green and having eye-catching eye-like markings on its head. It has a horn-like structure on its rear, which lends it the name “hornworm.”

3. Feeding and Growth:

The caterpillars are voracious eaters and immediately begin to feed on the leaves of their host plants. They undergo several stages of molting as they grow in size, shedding their old skin to accommodate their increasing body mass. The caterpillar stage lasts for about 4-5 weeks, during which they can grow up to 8-9 centimeters in length.

4. Pupation:

As the caterpillar reaches its full size, it undergoes pupation, which is the transformation into a pupa or chrysalis. The pupa is usually formed in a protected location away from direct predators and environmental hazards. The Elephant Hawk Moth pupa is reddish-brown and has a smooth texture, blending well with its surroundings.

5. Metamorphosis:

Inside the pupa, a miraculous transformation takes place. The caterpillar’s body undergoes significant changes, breaking down its tissues and reassembling them into the adult moth’s structures. This metamorphosis process generally lasts for about 2-3 weeks.

6. Adult Moth:

Finally, the adult Elephant Hawk Moth emerges from the pupa. At this stage, it becomes active at dusk and during the night, while resting during the day. The Elephant Hawk Moth is a large and impressive moth with a wingspan of about 5-7 centimeters. Its wings are predominantly pink or olive-green, providing excellent camouflage when resting on tree trunks or leaves.

Preferred Habitat:

The Elephant Hawk Moth can be found in a variety of habitats, but it tends to favor areas with plenty of nectar-rich flowers for adult feeding and suitable host plants for caterpillar development. Woodlands, hedgerows, gardens, and meadows are common places to encounter this magnificent moth.

1. Nectar Sources:

Adult Elephant Hawk Moths primarily feed on nectar from a range of flowers, including honeysuckle (Lonicera species), petunias (Petunia species), and jasmine (Jasminum species). Having a variety of these nectar-rich plants in the habitat will attract these moths.

2. Host Plants:

To encourage the presence of Elephant Hawk Moths, it’s crucial to provide suitable host plants for the caterpillars. As mentioned earlier, willowherbs (Epilobium species) and bedstraws (Galium species) are the preferred host plants. Allowing these plants to grow naturally in your garden or maintaining them in the wilder areas nearby can support the moth’s lifecycle.

3. Shelter and Water:

Creating a diverse habitat with vegetation of varying heights and densities will offer shelter to both caterpillars and adult moths. Additionally, a nearby water source like a pond or birdbath will provide the much-needed hydration for these creatures.

By understanding the lifecycle of the Elephant Hawk Moth and its preferred habitat, you can take simple steps to attract and support these beautiful insects in your environment. Whether you’re a nature enthusiast, gardener, or just curious about the natural world, observing these moths in their lifecycle can be a rewarding and educational experience.

Community Sunday July

If the weather cooperates we hope to hold our first Community Sunday in a while this week – the last two have been rained off. With IYN and Green Flag assessments upcoming, it would be great to have plotters, volunteers and friends along to help with essential site maintenance tasks and some special new projects.

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