Grow Greener with Garthdee Field Allotments Association

Changing Seasons

The volunteer sessions of late have been very full on and busy, so it was a real treat today to have time to take a few photos during our work session.

We had time to note too, just how quickly Summer is slipping towards and into Autumn. There is still plenty of promise of cropping to come however.

Lots of tomatoes to harvest now and into the weeks ahead
The apple crop to come looks good for this year

However, there is no doubt that the summer is slipping by us and Autumn is just around the corner.

The rhubarb is flagging, but luckily Autumn’s abundance lies ahead

So it was good today to note good progress on the new Cabin – which looks quite the part overlooking the Community Orchard.

A Cabin for all Seasons

Great to0, having the help of Gordon, one of our longest-serving volunteers in getting the interior set up and ready to go.

Gordon showing off his carpentry skills

Thanks go to Gordon and Linzi, Veronica and Jordi for their help around the site today.

UPDATE – It seems that Gordon joined us in July 2016. See, Meet Gordon our Latest Volunteer


ASDA Thank You Hamper


August Community Sunday Invitation

1 Comment

  1. Philip Wilkie

    Great work everyone great to have you all around the allotments keep up the good work!!????


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