We received a super surprise this week. Our efforts in the community have been recognised by our local ASDA and they have awarded GFAA a celebration hamper.

This month marked the 3rd annual ASDA Thank You Day. Over the past 2 years the day has brought together over 15 million people. This is ASDA’s Opportunity to say a heartfelt thank you to colleagues and community groups. Celebrating the unsung heroes in our life and our communities. Big Thank You is a collaborative celebration working with a number of national charities and grass roots groups including groups such as Dementia Carers , Young Voices, Alzheimer’s UK & the Women’s Institute.
Our hamper contained a thoughtfully put together set of garden hand tools and, much to the approval of our volunteer squad, a super selection of cakes and biscuits. The tools will last a lifetime, but the cakes and biscuits – not so much!
Big thanks go to Margaux and to ASDA and to the volunteers and community groups who made it all possible.