Happy New Year! Can we possibly hope for another growing season and summer like 2018? Of course, we can!
These poor soul popped their heads up only yesterday and look what they met today.

Luckily, snowdrops are clearly born optimists and know just what they are doing, so I am sure they will be fine.
Talking about born optimists, this is usually the time of year that we plotters turn our attention to buying our seeds for the coming spring. Remember, as GFAA members you are entitled to a 40% discount on all seed purchased from Dobies. Copies of their 2019 catalogue are available in the Octagon along with an order form containing the necessary discount code. If you prefer to browse and buy online, email gfaawebhelper@gmail.com and I will be pleased to send you the discount code.
The Council is about to allocate plots to new plotters, so we will soon be seeing fresh starts made on a number of plots. Phil Wilkie (Plot 35) asks that anyone with a half plot who would like to move up to a full plot should get in touch with him ASAP.
{I am aware of some typos in this item, but for some reason, the new Editor in WordPress does not ‘remember’ edits. Please bear with me.}
Susan Wilkie
Lovely snowdrops!! Here’s hoping for another good Season ahead!!