Thanks to Val Milne for providing information on this event:

I thought this would possibly be of interest to fellow allotmenteers

Gardener’s Question Time
In support of Momentum skills.
With Presenters of BBC’s Beechgrove Garden – Jim McColl and Carole Baxter
And local retired horticulturist and soft fruit specialist Colin Stirling.
Hosted by STV’s Chris Harvey.
Come along and have your gardening problems and queries answered by our expert panel.
Proceeds raised will help Momentum Skills support people with acquired brain injuries and other disabilities in North East Scotland.
Tickets cost £8 includes refreshments. Can be obtained by contacting Michael Jamieson
Cost: £8
Further Information
Michael Jamieson
07739 526531
Wednesday 29th April 2015, 19:30
Inverurie Town Hall
Market Place
AB51 3SN
Disabled Facilities
Access for disabled is up the ramp at the side of the hall.(Across from specsavers)
Car Parking