Grow Greener with Garthdee Field Allotments Association

Category: General Meeting Page 1 of 2

Community Allotment Association Update: AGM, Volunteers, and More

Dear members of the GFAA Allotment Plotting Community, we are inviting you to participate in several upcoming events and have some important updates for you:

Date: Saturday, 2nd November 2024
Time: 11:00 – 13:00
Location: Cults Bowling Club, 293 North Deeside Road, Cults, Aberdeen, AB15 9PA
Members are encouraged to attend both the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and the General Meeting (GM). Agendas will be shared soon. Nominations for committee positions and suggestions for discussion topics can be submitted to the Secretary.

Chair Vacancy
The GFAA is in need of a Chairperson. The role requires approximately two hours a month. Members who can volunteer are urged to step forward.

Volunteers Leader for Sundays
Norman (Plot 81), long-serving Sunday Volunteers Leader, is stepping down. A replacement is needed to oversee the Sunday sessions. Anyone interested in taking on the role is asked to come forward.

Community Sundays
The third Sunday of each month is Community Sunday, where all members are encouraged to join for community tasks. It’s a fun way to get involved and help maintain the site.

New Website and Webmaster
Marin (Plot 96B) has taken on the role of the new webmaster. Members are encouraged to send him any updates or news for the website.

Car Safety on Site
Members are reminded that cars parked on the allotment site are at their own risk, as it is not covered under the Road Traffic Act of 1988. A speed limit of 10 mph is advised, with potential speed control measures being considered due to frequent speeding concerns.

Rubbish Disposal and Bonfire 2025
Members are asked to avoid leaving rubbish around the site, particularly near The Bothy and North Car Park. Instead, rubbish should be taken to the Hazlehead recycling facility.

For more information or to volunteer, please contact the GFAA Secretary.

Wasps – more loveable than we think

Val (Plot 23) lead us into an interesting discussion at our General Meeting today. It seems that wasps are much maligned and far from the out and out baddies that some suggest. You can read something of the case for the defence via this link.

General Meeting Follow Ups

A full report of our recent General Meeting will be along soon, but these bits of information were requested ASAP, so here they are.

The James Hutton Institute offers a soil testing service via Hutton Soils (thanks to Bruce Plot 79 for this tip).

The slides from Fiona Swapp’s fascinating talk are available on her blog.

General Meeting Reminder

Please note the room change!!!!!!

Coffee and cake on offer and maybe even a glass of something fizzy!

Blown away by AGM

I want to thank everyone who turned up to make our AGM and General Meeting such successes today.  I am still buzzing with the ideas raised in discussions.  Or perhaps it’s from the free-flowing prosecco!

It was wonderful to see so many there and to get such positive messages and suggestions.  Wonderful too to get the two vacant places on our Committee filled with willing nominees from the floor.  My thanks and congratulations to Alex and Gillie.

Special thanks go to Bruce for his very interesting talk, Soil: and how to improve it. We hope to get a copy online in the next week or so for the benefit of those you could not make it along today.

Thanks too to Michael and Jacqui for the excellent cakes.  I expect we will see them on Britain’s got Baking Talent next year.  So, thanks again everyone.  Clearly, we are going to need a bigger room from now on!

AGM Diary Date


Our GFAA AGM will be held this Saturday at 11.00 on the RGU Campus.  The short formal AGM will be followed by an informal General Meeting that will include a talk by Bruce Taylor from Plot 79 entitled, “Soil Health and how to Improve it”.  Bruce has just finished a Masters Degree in Soil Science and has recent approaches and practical experiences to share.

We have moved this AGM to this new time on a Saturday to avoid dragging plotters out on cold, wet, dark evenings as before and are hoping for a big turnout.

See details below.


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