It was wonderful this week to see Garthdee Field so prominent in the Allotments Section of the Aberdeen in Bloom Annual Garden Competition. We had the biggest number of entries, showing our continued support for the City Council’s efforts to promote gardening and allotments.
It was great to see so many new entrants from GFAA there at the Civic Reception to collect their certificates and prizes from the Lord Provost. GFAA can claim to have dominated the six prizes, occupying as we did places six, five, four and two.
But the night really belonged to our own GFAA superstar – Sandy Inkster. Not only did Sandy take our top ranking second prize for his allotment, but also he came in first in the Garden Display section for the whole city and took the overall outstanding entrant award. What a wonderful result!
Hearty congratulations go to Sandy and all the other prize and certificate winners and thanks are due to all plotters who entered from our site.