Aberdeen City Council have offered to provide us with a trailer/cart to facilitate removal of unwanted items from our plots. This would include old carpets, corrugated iron, wire mesh, glass items and so on. Wood should be retained for burning on site. This offer is being made to help us tidy up our allotments and is a one off.
The trailer will be parked on the site over the w/e of 31st May/1st June. The Council have asked that we do not put corrugated iron or metals in the trailer and instead lay any metal aside for separate uplift.
If you are unavailable during that w/e please make arrangements with fellow plotters to put any items you wish to get rid of on the trailer.
If anyone has stones they wish to get rid of, these can be deposited at the edge of the road beside, but opposite Plot 20 as it is intended to raise the level of this area in future to overcome flooding problems. So no stones should be put in the trailer.
Please don’t overload the trailer.