I had an interesting visit from Ross Young this week. Ross completed his first degree at Abertay University a couple of years ago and is about to start his PHD at the University of Aberdeen in September. He will study aspects of urban food production and was keen to visit Garthdee Field as one of a number of visits he is making to map examples of local food production sites in and around the city. His studies may focus on the sociological and community aspects of food growing and their contribution to health and well-being.
Ross’s interests in food growing are practical as well as academic: he is a keen gardener with a thriving veggie patch and greenhouse at his family home. Now he will be moving to Aberdeen to work on his PHD he is keen to find a plot he can work on. He is interested in putting his name down for a plot, but in the meantime would be happy to help out on an existing plot as an extra pair of hands.
Ross hopes to stay in touch with us at GFAA and so if you see him about please say hello: if you can take up his offer of help on your plot you can get in touch via me in the first instance.
Before he left Ross took some photos around our site. I think you will agree he has a real eye for a photo.