Today was wonderful and it was great to see so many plotters on site in warm sunshine, but what a long winter we have had. Which made seeing these little guys all the more welcome.
I am sure everyone notices them as they enter the site, and I have been aware of them over several years now, but I wonder if anyone knows anything about how they come to be there? They are in such an exposed site, so close to the road, it is hard to believe they self-sowed there.
For that matter, can anyone help name them?
In recent years ACC has donated many thousands of other bulbs and it’s great to see them thriving around the site.
Maureen Legge
I think it’s glory of the snow.
Thanks so much, Maureen, I checked this out and I think you are right, Glory in the Snow it is. What a great name. Now, if only we can find out how it came to be there? It’s hard to believe it found its own way. I’d love to know if a plotter planted it and when. :-)