Hi Everyone,
Just a reminder that Community Sunday is on 18th October. Meet at the bothy around 11am. Usual range of tasks:-
StuartPothole filling.
Tidying the woodchip and leaves bins at both the top and bottom of the site.
Paper/rubbish chase around the site – poly rubbish bags in steel container- see Gill or Norman for access.
Picking and sharing the orchard harvest – very nice fruit on the crab-apple tree.
The bonfire area will be at the top car-park – same area as last year so if you have rasp canes, prunings scrap wood etc you can deposit them at the top of the site near to the woodchip bins. Please don’t dump non combustible rubbish at the bonfire site. The bonfire is likely to be in early spring which should give time for everyone to have tidied their plot!
The Primary School plot can always do with some input – manure and leaf mould could be dug in. Don’t overdo it – a little digging by many people will get the job done over time. I suggest that we dig from one end and work backwards row by row so that we know what has been dug.
If you think of other things that need doing – just do it. It all helps.
————and if you haven’t enjoyed yourself with all that, there’s always the coffee and cake at the end!

Message posted for Stuart: