Well, not exactly ‘rides’ to the rescue, but no matter, read on ….

Worried about a shortage of organic matter in the coming season? Did you miss out on all of the excellent leaf mould and cow dung last year?  Are you trying the ‘no-dig’ approach, but are short of home-grown compost?  No worries, a solution is at hand.

Brian (Plot 62) has a secret source of high-octane, but well-rotted, horse manure:  guaranteed to give your tatties just the boost they need.  Apparently, the supply is near-endless and the quality unquestioned. Straight from the horses’ ????!!!!

If you are interested in having some, please contact Brian.  If you can’t see him in person, pin a dated message to his gate.  He hopes to organise a delivery before or after Christmas – depending on interest and demand.  First-come, first-served.

However, there is no such thing as a free dump in this world, and if you want to benefit, you have to volunteer to help with collection, delivery or distribution on site.  Form an orderly queue, please!

Sorry, but I am short of copyright free horse images!

Big thanks go to Brian for being willing to take this on.