Grow Greener with Garthdee Field Allotments Association

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Bonfire Reminder

Our annual bonfire will take place on Saturday 26 March starting at 9am. Come along and help feed the stuff for burning onto the fire.

Make sure you take this opportunity to get rid if any scrap or rotting timber, branches, prunings etc and help keep our allotment tidy and free from rubbish.

If you’re wearing nylon clothing beware of sparks melting small holes in the material – best to wear old clothes.

Girls just want to have fun

We might even manage to have coffee tea and cookies available for the helpers.

Thanks, and hope to see you at the bonfire.


July Community Sunday

This Sunday, 19 July, is our next Community Sunday. It would be great to have a good turnout – there is lots to do for sure. Sorry, but we still can’t serve coffee and cake under the COVID restrictions, but feel free to bring your own and we can have an appropriately-distanced coffee and blether at the end.

Usual arrangements – meet 11.00, work till 12.30, then a coffee and blether in small, distanced, groups we hope.

Good News – TAMS is Back!

Greg Welsh from the Allotment Market Stall team has been in touch to say that they feel that they can now re-start collections of surplus produce from allotment sites. Here’s what he has to say:

Hello there !I hope that everybody is doing well and you have been able to make the best of the recent tough time. On my last visit to the allotment, plots seemed to be looking better than ever.

An open air stall providing fresh local vegetables is especially valuable at this time, and after much uncertainty earlier in the year we are glad now to be able to go ahead with TAMS. I am pleased to tell you that TAMS will be starting up very soon, with the first collection on Thursday 23rd July.

We will have a Friday stall at both Seaton and Duthie Parks and a Saturday stall at Victoria Park – the same as last year.

Thank you, Greg Welsh, Stall Coordinator

GFAA have always been big supporters of TAMS and we hope this will continue this year. Remember, “profits” from sales are returned to GFAA and make a significant contribution to our funds.

Community Sunday June 2020



You are cordially invited to this month’s Community Sunday (June 21) from 11.00 to 12.30 at Garthdee Field Allotments. With regret there will be no communal coffee and cake session at the close and we will have to observe strict social distancing, while working in small groups, but there is plenty to do safely around the communal areas of the site e.g.

remove bonfire ash and tidy area (nails etc)
weeding South Bank and other boundaries
remove large weeds from wildflower meadow (if any)
pothole filling
orchard tidying (e.g. fruit bushes)
dead heading daffodils
removal of dumped turf
strimming of grass
woodchip management
Looking forward to seeing all who can make it,

Happy plotting, Stuart

It’s TAMS time again

Collections for The Allotment Market Stall (TAMS) start this Thursday.

TAMS is a wonderful project that sells our surplus produce to the public and so spreads the benefits of allotment working into the wider community while at the same time making a contribution back to our GFAA funds.

Please leave any (saleable) donations you can make into the special trays by the Bothy by noon, Thursdays.

It’s BBQ time!

Saturday 13th July 2019 from 12 noon

Plotters and our volunteers, along with their families and friends, are invited to our Summer Barbecue
at the Community Orchard area of the Garthdee Field Allotments Site

Please bring your preferred BBQ food and drink (and if you can a salad or sweet to share with visitors)

There will be a Raffle with proceeds going to GFAA funds

Donations for the raffle will be gratefully received by
Gill Earle (Plot 64) Stuart Oram (Plot 8) or Norman Coutts (Plot 81)

Offers to loan BBQs would be especially helpful

Please send any queries or offers of help on the day to Gill Earle / 07951021319

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