Grow Greener with Garthdee Field Allotments Association

Quatermass and the Pit

We are conducting an urgent review of our Health and Safety procedures after a near disaster for one of our volunteer squad on a plot yesterday.

Photo Credit: Mike Paterson

We had hoped and intended to bury the blooming ejit who asked us to take on this job, but poor Gordon nearly paid the ultimate price.  Luckily, knowing his importance to the squad, the rest of the lads rushed to his aid – just in time.

Remember, you can’t be too careful out there and you never know when a trip or a slip may come your way.



Mindful Plotting Research


Left shivering…


  1. Eijit me? You’ll thank me in the end when my jacuzzi is finished and you can come and enjoy it at the end of a tiring day with a G&T, supplied by yourselves of course. Thank you all very much for all your help you all are a real asset to the site. The boys were surprised to see Norman working though!!!??

    • Norman

      Well Phil, like yourself, I believe work is best avoided, least it become habit forming. ;-)

  2. Stuart Oram

    Good to see that our resident reporter Norman and cameraman Mike P. are capturing the latest life and death news from the front line at Garthdee!


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